The HLLC Price Humanities Scholars

The HLLC Price Humanities Scholars

What is the HLLC Price Humanities Scholars Program?

The Price Humanities Scholars Program is a curricular pathway for diverse students in the Honors Living-Learning Community interested in pursuing graduate school and careers in the humanities. Named for legendary Newark historian, the late Clement A. Price, a distinguished professor at Rutgers-Newark and funded by the Mellon Foundation. Utilizing a multi-layered approach including undergraduate research, publicly engaged scholarship, innovative courses, visiting scholars, mentoring, and professional development opportunities, a diverse and intergenerational group of HLLC scholars interested in humanities gain exposure to opportunities that will cultivate their interests and increase their likelihood of attending graduate school and entering the professoriate.  


This specialized humanities pathway is embedded within the existing 18-credit HLLC minor. Price Scholars take the first three courses in the program as part of their HLLC cohort provides a framework exploring social inequities and themes related to engaged citizenship. Next, Price Humanities Scholars take several elective courses in the humanities before then embarking on guided research projects and internships in the humanities, culminating in a capstone course research project. Throughout the pathway program, our scholars are mentored by humanists and graduate students, engage with visiting humanities scholars, and visits to national conferences and graduate programs. 

What Does the Price Humanities Scholars Program Offer?

  • Dynamic interdisciplinary courses and seminars,
  • Mentorship
  • Paid research fellowships and internships,
  • GRE Preparation
  • Career exploration and networking opportunities,
  • Support with the graduate school exploration, application process, and more.


Meet Our Team


Macsu Hill, Ph.D.
Director of Special Programs

Timothy K. Eatman, Ph.D.
Inaugural Dean of the HLLC

Melissa L. Cooper, Ph.D.
Faculty Director

Engelbert Santana, Dean of Advisement

Marta Elena Esquilin

Associate Dean

Engelbert Santana, Dean of Advisement

Engelbert Santana

Dean of Advisement

Price Scholars Highlight Reel


Upcoming Events

  • Spring Guided Research Internship: February 10 – April 28
  • Price Scholars Spring Mini-Conference: March 28- March 30
  • Social/Community Event: April 18
  • Summer Colloquium: June 9 – June 13
  • GRE Fundamentals 24-hour Liveonline Course: June 16- June 27
  • Summer Guided Research Internship: June 16 – July 28



What Our Scholars Are Saying


As a Price-Humanities scholar I am able to flourish and uplift like-minded community members who thrive in the humanities field. Not only will I be able to learn and gain mentorship, but I too can contribute to my community through this pathway. It also connects me with amazing people who will uplift me in my academic and professional career.  

Tenzin Topten

Political Science and Philosophy, Spring 2025

To me, being a Price Scholar is eye-opening. While I think having passion and care for the humanities is essential for success in these fields, I also think that knowledge of application during life out of college is necessary. People are not always prepared for life after college because the world can seem daunting and overwhelming. Being a Price Scholar allows this scary feeling to disperse and instead grow into confidence.  


Naomi Franco

English, Spring 2025

To me, being a Price Humanities Scholar is about the ability to care and have empathy for others. In several HLLC classes, the professors put emphasis on taking all of the parties’ issues into consideration before making a final decision so it will be fair for everyone. Being selected as a Price Humanities Scholar will allow me to learn more about careers that value various viewpoints when making decisions and enacting policies that can benefit society as a whole. 


Brooke Bachia

Africana Studies, Spring 2025



We’re proudly funded by the  Mellon Foundation

Recipient Organization: Honors Living-Learning Community, Rutgers University-Newark

For more information please contact
Macsu Hill, Ph.D., MPH,
Program Director
Tel: 973-353-1089